Solutions for Government

FED agencies rely on Liquidware solutions.

Key Use Cases For Government

Liquidware Windows Migrations

Windows Migrations

ProfileUnity enables “once-and-for-all” migrations to Windows 10 on physical, virtual and cloud workspaces 4X faster with zero downtime.

Liquidware Boosting Security

Security Optimization

Liquidware solutions help Government organizations meet US-CERT recommendations to protect their workspace from hackers and external threats.

Liquidware Simplifying Desktop Image and Application Delivery

Application Management

Centralize applications and deliver on-demand, to physical, virtual or cloud workspaces for the most efficient application strategy.

Providing Robust, Secure Desktops for Federal and Military Agencies


Liquidware solutions have long been utilized in the FED sector, meeting its unique and specific requirements. The company has become a trusted advisor to hundreds of agencies with a strong track record of success in deploying advanced workspace technologies in complex IT infrastructures. Liquidware’s solutions provide key flexibility that closely aligns with DISA’s Line of Efforts in its 2022-2024 Strategic Plan. The solutions are platform-agnostic, providing integration with  major vendors used for workspace delivery in the DoD, including Microsoft Azure and Amazon cloud desktops, and VMware and Citrix virtual desktops. Read how Liquidware's solutions assisted a FED agency training facility to modernize their center from physical to next-generation virtual desktops.


The Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) is a U.S combat support agency that connects the U.S military and government though IT and communications support. DISA’s Strategic Plan focuses on utilizing innovative technology to support  current and next-generation warfighters. DISA is examining alternatives that will allow the agency to heighten security while raising the bar on user experience by providing high performance, anywhere, anytime workspaces. The plan calls for investing in commercial cloud capabilities to build enterprise identity and authentication solutions for DOD cloud environments yet optimize accessibility of data and applications to end users. Additional goals include incorporating DCO continuous monitoring into the accreditation process to move the Department to a continuous authorization to operate (ATO) and to ruthlessly identify and remove inefficient policies, technologies and artificial barriers that inhibit best value.

Key objectives included in the Lines of Effort  from DISA’s Strategic Plan include:

  • The Joint Warfighting Cloud Capability (JWCC) is seeking to create a multi-vendor acquisition vehicle that the greater DOD can leverage to obtain services directly from commercial cloud service providers.
  • Transforming traditional hosting capabilities and delivering streamlined alternatives to accelerate the Department’s adoption of cloud, delivering capability at all classification levels.
  • Facilitating migration from legacy enterprise services to sunset them and will explore ways to  gain near real-time visibility of network and application performance for mission partners.
  • Delivering modern secure IT solutions that facilitate delivery of DOD mission applications to endpoints at all classification levels.

Overall, Liquidware products offer a comprehensive range of security features and capabilities that can help organizations to align with DISA's objectives.

  • Our solutions are platform-agnostic, supporting seamless co-existence among leading vendors’ offerings including Microsoft Azure and Amazon cloud desktops, and VMware and Citrix virtual desktops.
  • Our solutions support security practices with proactive real-time monitoring, user policy control, deep visibility into the user experience and packaged application delivery.
  • Liquidware products can be used to identify bad practices or builds, to discover idle or inefficient operations, and to support re-engineering these to next generation architectures of cutting-edge technologies.
  • Our solutions provide highly accurate user experience quality measurements for the spectrum of user classifications, including  onsite, remote, mobile, extended (outside entities providing services) with the goal of optimizing access to needed data and applications.


Liquidware Stratusphere UX can identify outmoded implementations that impede performance that need to be eliminated or re-engineered. This solution’s data can drive decision-making to deliver optimum performing cloud implementations yet minimize both acquisition (rightsizing)  and operating costs (monitoring on/off machines.) In addition, this solution provides detailed insights into all levels of the workspaces’ infrastructure. Stratusphere UX is used to monitor and diagnose workspace environments for troubleshooting configuration, resources, and applications issues as well as security vulnerabilities.

Liquidware CommandCTRL provides real-time visibility to ongoing activities of users in workspace environment, providing proactive monitoring and instant issue remediation. This solution is SaaS-based, thereby reducing the time to fully utilize the product by eliminating set up and training time.

Liquidware ProfileUnity can be used to create and manage user profiles to remain compliant with DISA's security requirements. It can also be used to enforce other user policies and restrictions across all types of Windows workspaces, including physical, virtual, and cloud.

Liquidware FlexApp can be leveraged to deliver applications to users in a secure manner as it packages  them in containers. This function not only allows for on-demand delivery of applications to users, but it also centralizes applications to storage for easier, more comprehensive monitoring and maintenance. FlexApp enhances  Microsoft Azure environments by converting MSIX or App-V applications to layers.


DISA has strict security and compliance requirements, and Liquidware aligns with these requirements both at the company and the product levels.

  • The company is compliant  with  SOC2, GDPR, PS, PCI and DSS requirements.
  • Stratusphere UX is DISA Authorized to Operate (ATO) certified, meaning that the solution has been tested and approved for use in DoD environments. It also incorporates more than 700 Federal Security Technical Information Guides (STIGs), which are configuration standards developed by DISA. Our appliances are updated with the latest security updates from our vendors prior to each release. We constantly monitor security vulnerability announcements and respective patches that affect our appliances. Any critical patches will be included in point releases.
  • ProfileUnity and FlexApp are FIPS 140 compliant, which means that they meet the US government's standards for cryptographic security.
  • All Liquidware products use PKI infrastructure to encrypt communications between components, ensuring the security and integrity of data in motion.

Liquidware products also provide a number of security features, such as role-based access control, auditing, and logging. All products are designed to work on closed networks and do not require internet access.   For detailed information, please refer to our Support documentation at:  Stratusphere Security Architecture Overview

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"ProfileUnity has really enhanced the user experience tremendously. We’ve found adoption rates for BPS Desktop increasing ... and increasing, because users know it's...

Director, Instructional Technology - Buffalo Public Schools District, New York State

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