Webinar Archive

Why You Should Be Cloud Staging Your Desktops NOW Feb 21 views: 19,596 0

You know your organization needs a cloud strategy and may even be considering cloud-based desktops for at least some of their users. Regardless of where you are with your planning, you can take steps today to make your Windows desktops and user data...

Mission Possible: Windows 7 to 10 Migration Jan 9 views: 14,759 0

Support for Windows 7 is ending on January 14. Join Liquidware experts on this webinar to learn how our offerings can save you time and money when migrating to Windows 10. Microsoft and other platform partners offer more options than ever to deliver...

What's New in Liquidware Essentials Dec 12 views: 19,742 0

If you have not checked out Liquidware’s line of Adaptive Workspace Management solutions lately you are really missing out. In the last few releases of ProfileUnity, FlexApp, and Stratusphere UX there have been significant performance and feature...

Disruptive Desktops: The New Desktop Wars Nov 21 views: 15,142 0
In an industry once dominated by Citrix and VMware, new pure cloud DaaS options from Amazon, Microsoft and Nutanix have emerged. What are these offerings? Learn how you can leverage Liquidware Essentials to help your organization assess, design, migrate...
Migreren naar Windows Virtual Desktop met ProfileUnity en FlexApp Oct 25 views: 15,283 0

Een nieuw platform betekend een migratie. Hoe migreren we van een on-premise omgeving naar Windows Virtual Desktop en hoe kunnen ProfileUnity en FlexApp hierbij helpen. Samen met Workspace Guru – Chris Twiest vertellen we hoe je dit het beste kan...

All About Microsoft WVD Webinar Aug 22 views: 15,252 0
Microsoft Windows Virtual Desktop (WVD) is all the buzz for virtual cloud-based desktops. In this webinar you’ll learn a concise history of multi-user and virtual desktops and how we got to this moment in the industry where Microsoft has taken the Market...
Performance Management with Stratusphere UX Process Optimization Jun 27 views: 15,122 0
Managing the performance of Windows-based workloads can be a challenge. The effort and administration surrounding optimization, tuning and other practices geared towards minimizing the risk of poor user experience is a never-ending mission. In this...
Zorgeloos migreren van Windows 7 naar Windows 10 Jun 21 views: 13,956 0
Microsoft biedt binnenkort geen support meer op Windows 7 en migreren naar Windows 10 is niet eenvoudig. Door middel van onze ProfileUnity oplossing bieden wij de juiste ondersteuning om dit verander project tot een succes te brengen.
Webinar Workspace Management Installatie en Ontwerp May 21 views: 14,449 0

Maak kennis met de ProfileUnity installatie en ervaar het gemak van het opzetten van onze Environment (Workspace) Managementoplossing. Verder een overzicht van de design mogelijkheden en best practices.


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